The Issue Within the Issue.

The Ali Forney Center

Creative Directors: Bharat Kumar & Marcelo Ramirez
Copywriter: Carlos Matias

NYC is struggling with homelessness, especially youth homelessness. Staggeringly, 40% of the homeless youth population identifies as LGBTQ+. To raise awareness, we partnered the Ali Forney Center (AFC), an organization dedicated to housing homeless LGBTQ+ youth, with New York Magazine, to develop an issue where 40% of the total ad inventory (28 pages) was dedicated to the challenges this group faces.

​The Issue Within the Issue included bespoke editorial content that highlighted the plight of homeless LGBTQ+ youths.

We enlisted editors, writers, designers, artists, and photojournalists (all of whom were either LGBTQ+ or allies of the community) to write exposés, op-eds, features, poetry, retrospectives, and more.